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We've Done It
By Roger Ambler
Well we have done it!!!
After lots of hard fundraising over the past few years, we were delighted yesterday when John and Carolyn Radford presented us a cheque from Mansfield Town Football Club for £20,000!! This amazing act of generosity from them means we have now reached our target and can purchase our very own minibus.
When I think back to this time last year and the disappointment of being told we had received a £15k grant from CVS, only to have this cruelly taken away from us three days later, I can only thank the unbelievable efforts and hard work that has made this happen.
Having our own minibus means that we can be flexible in what we can offer our young members, we can go to places that otherwise would be unreachable, and it does more to make Scouting for all our members more financially viable. Not only that, but we can also support people, in our local Pleasley community, particularly those vulnerable and unable to get about.
We have so many people to thank; Mansfield Town Football Club, Masonite, Tesco, Mansfield Building Society, REAL Education,
Pleasley Miners Welfare, The Nags Head Pleasley, Cllr
Sharron Hartshorn, Councillors from Notts County Council and Mansfield District Council, the people of Pleasley for supporting our fundraising efforts.
I would also personally like to thank all those leaders, parents, and young members of 10th Mansfield Scout Group and CARGO Explorer Scout Unit for rattling buckets, manning stalls, pressganging people into parting with their cash. Special mention to Steve Cree and Joyce Cree for their Steps Challenge, Lewis Suzanne Pugh Grandad who has donated regularly, the hard work of our fundraising team of Susan Ambler, Eve Stokes and Maggie Maggie, and to Sarah Bond and Matthew Bond for their work with MTFC in getting the final money we needed.
Thank you everyone, there are not enough words to express my gratitude.
Group Scout Leader - 10th Mansfield Scout Group



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