The Renter agrees that the Rental Vehicle will be returned in a similar state of cleanliness as at the commencement of the Agreement.
The Renter agrees to reimburse any excess to repairs that have resulted from accidental damage caused by the Renter during the period of the Agreement.
The Renter agrees that no person be allowed to operate the vehicle under the age of 25 years and over the age of 70 years. Drivers must have held a full driving licenece for a minimum of 2 years.
The Parties agree that the Rental Vehicle, under no circumstances, be subleased.
The Renter agrees to comply with insurance applicable laws, Insurance is provided by QBE UK Limited, through Unity Insurance. Compulsory excesss to be paid Renter; windscreen excess £75, accidental damage excess £250.
The Parties agree that the Rental Vehicle is only to be used for the purpose of personal/or business use and that proper maintenance and care will be applied to the Rental Vehicle.